Revised November 18, 2013
This article on Free Market vs. Open Market is an article comparing the two types of Markets.
I will start with the definition of a Free Market; a Market in which prices are determined by the forces of supply and demand, without government regulations or restrictions. (Thorndike/Barnhart Dictionary)
The definition of Supply is; the quantity of any commodity in the market ready for purchase, especially at a given price. (Thorndike/Barnhart Dictionary)
Supply is the most important part of the definition of Free Market. Supply and Demand is; the interplay of the quantity of goods offered for sale at specified prices and the quantity of goods purchased at those prices in the Free Market. (Thorndike/Barnhart Dictionary)
There must be this interplay of goods offered for sale and goods purchased in order to have a Market of any kind. I will expand that to say, there must be interplay of commodities, trades, goods and service offered for sale and purchased. This interplay of commodities, trades, goods and service offered for sale and commodities, trades, goods, and services purchased establishes a Market. This is how all Markets are established. Non-producers and counter-producers take money out of the Market without offering any supply in return. When they take money without offering any supply in return they are really stealing the money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power from the Market and the Producers.
Examples of non-production and counter-production are; speculation on commodities, excess military spending, wars, farm subsidies, monopolies, corporate welfare, expanding the money supply by banks, any receiving of money without an exchange for it, or insufficient exchange for the money and any other form of welfare.
We will use speculation as an example of rewarding non-production and counter-production. There are two types of speculators. There are speculators who buy commodities with the intent to take delivery and then take delivery of the commodities. They either consume the commodities or convert them into new products they place on the Open Market and receive money in return for.
Then there are speculators who buy shares in commodities with no intent to take any delivery of the items at all. They buy low and sell high. They are there to make money with no exchange in production for it. They simply offer no production in return for the money they take from the Market! They offer no supply in return for the money they take out of the Market. There was no intention to take possession of the commodities for their personal use or for use in future production.
This violates Free Market principles to the extreme! There must always be Supply placed into the Market and it must be worthy of exchange for any money anyone takes out. These speculators who buy shares in commodities without taking possession of the commodities are rewarded Non-producers and counter-producers. They are stealing money by simply shuffling paper. This is not production. When they bid up the price of oil and sell it at a higher price, without taking possession of it or using it in future production, we the Producers pay a higher price for gas at the pump. The Non-producing and counter-producing speculators are taking the money from you with no exchange to you for the money.
The Producing speculators buy shares in commodities. They take delivery of the commodity. They convert the commodity into new production. The Producing speculator then exchanges the new product “supply” on the market for money.
The non-producing and counter-producing speculators buy shares in commodities. They do nothing with the commodity. They turn around and sell it at a higher price. This action of purchasing commodities with the purpose of buying low and selling high places a demand on the commodity. This demand causes the price to go up. When non-producer and counter-producer speculators purchase shares in oil the price of oil increases. This speculation causes the price of gas at the pump to rise. These rewarded non-producing and counter-producing speculators are taking your money with no exchange for it, to you or to the Market.
Supply, in the definition of Free Market, states explicitly that there must be commodities, trades, goods and services placed on the Free Market in order to have a Market and in order to have a working Market. Since Non-producers and counter-producers don’t bring a “supply” to the Free Market they must not ever take any money, value, energy, wealth, capital or power from it. This is a very important factor in the definition of Free Market.
This Free Market they use today, and call a Free Market, is not a Free Market. The one thing, “supply,” that is expressly needed to have a Market is not strictly enforced. In fact in today’s world there is no “true Free Market” in existence. If people don’t bring a true supply, a commodity, trade, good or a service, to the Market when receiving money, there is no Market. It can’t exist. When a Market does exist the non-producers and counter-producers destroy it. Exchanging supplies is what a Market is all about. If one comes to the Market with no supplies and demands money, he is not creating a Market. Without supplies, no exchange could possibly take place and therefore no Market could exist.
The Open Market is a Market in which prices are determined by the forces of supply and demand, without government regulations or restrictions. It is “open to all Producers on equal terms” and restricted to the participation of Producers only. Only producers can create and construct a Market. Non-producers and counter-producers cannot create and construct a Market. They can only destroy and destruct a Market.
The Open Market, “open to all Producers on equal terms,” is similar to the Free Market. The Free Market, which we have seen, is being “attempted” to be established today. The Free Market is based upon the dynamics (forces) of supply and demand. So is the Open Market. They both are based on being free from government regulation and restriction.
The reason I say, the Free Market is being “attempted to be established today,” is because the non-producers and counter-producers continue to destroy the Market while the Producers work to create it. It is not a Free Market in the sense that everyone must place a “supply” on it in order to receive money. The definition of freedom used in the Free Market is, “anything goes in this Market,” which includes the destructive forces of the Non-producer and counter-producer.
The Free Market is attempted to be established today because the Producers are attempting to create a Market while the non-producers and counter-producers work in destroying it. The most the Producers can do is attempt to create the Free Market. As the Producers build the Market up, the non-producers and counter-producers tear it down.
The Free Market does not give equal access! It is the opposite of equal access. The Non-producers and counter-producers have access to steal the money, value, energy, wealth, wealth, capital and power with no supply (commodities, trades, goods and services) required in exchange for the money. The Producers are required to provide supply in exchange for their money. Equal access means; in order to receive money, you must always exchange supply, “a commodity, trade good or service,” for the money without any special advantages.
Non-producers and counter-producers don’t do that. They work, 24/7, developing schemes to take money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power from the Market without exchanging “supplied” commodities, trades, goods and services for it. The non-producer and counter-producer out-exchange actions destroy the Market, Society, Nation, themselves and their families. The Non-producers and counter-producers, like vampires and parasites, suck the energy out of the Society and the Nation. On the other hand the Producers, create the energy for a Society and a Nation to prosper with. This created energy, by the Producers, is what gives a Nation its power and strength.
Non-producers and counter-producers can only do one thing when participating in a Market and that is destroying it. The “Free Market” is in a constant struggle to establish itself. This is because the non-producers and counter-producers continue to steal the money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power from it with little or no “supplies” exchanged for it. The Free Market is constantly attempting to be established by the Producers in the society. These attempts continue to be beaten back by out-exchange Non-producers and counter-producers.
With these constant destructive thrusts, by the Non-producers and counter-producers one could only conclude, their purpose is to destroy the Free Market. This continued destruction of the Free Market leads to the destruction of the Society, Nation, themselves and their families. This destruction of the Market is an observed activity in societies where non-producers and counter-producers are allowed to participate in the Market. That article was written with help of Prestamos 365 company: