As I researched this article I discovered that Pure Capitalism is not the Right Wing version of Capitalism. Right Wing Capitalism has been to a very, very large extent the type of Capitalism that has been practiced on planet earth for a very long time. During the research process I found that Right Wing Capitalism has been mistakenly identified as Pure Capitalism. I also discovered Right Wing Capitalism to be socialism. Right Wing Capitalism is Fascism and Right Wing Socialism.
Since Right Wing Capitalism (Fascism) destroys money, value, energy, wealth, capital, power and prosperity it can hardly be called Pure Capitalism. It destroys money, value, energy, wealth, capital, power and prosperity by taking these items from the Producers without a self created product exchanged for them. It redistributes and concentrates the money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power into the hands of a few wealthy and powerful counter-producers. Right Wing Capitalisms’ creations have been anger, hate and fear. The result of this constant propaganda of anger, hate and fear has been recessions, depressions and wars. Right Wing Capitalism has been very destructive to Producers, all other individuals, families, societies, nations, mankind and environments.
In the past articles, I have been calling Right Wing Capitalism, Capital Destroying Capitalism. Right Wing Capitalism or Fascism is the easy to understand label for Capital Destroying Capitalism. I have discovered Right Wing Capitalism to be Right Wing Socialism. It would be more correct to label it Right Wing Socialism.
The true Pure Capitalism is Capital Producing Capitalism. Capital Producing Capitalism is included in Producer Rewarded Open Market Economics. Producer Rewarded Open Market Economics includes Capital Producing Capitalism and Capital Producing Socialism. Producer Rewarded Open Market Economics is the only economic system on the planet where money, value, energy, wealth, capital, power and prosperity are created. This is the only economic system where the prosperity of individuals, families, organizations, societies, nations, mankind and environments are enhanced.
The only time money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power are created is when Producer Rewarded Open Market Economics is knowingly or unknowingly being practiced.
In the past when this money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power creating economic system was applied it had not been defined. It was mixed in with the old Capital Destroying Capitalisms and the old Capital Destroying Socialisms. In the scope of Economics, there was no differentiation between Producer Rewarded Open Market Economics and Capital Destroying Capitalism. There was no differentiation between Producer Rewarded Open Market Economics and Capital Destroying Socialism.
People did not know how money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power came into existence. It was believed that they all “just happened into existence.” Or, they came into existence through the process of printing the money symbol. Simply printing the money symbol; to create money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power proved to be false. Expanding the money supply, by printing more money units, only diluted the amount of value, energy, wealth, capital and power each money unit contained. Printing money or expanding the money supply was and is currently being used to redistribute vast amounts of value, energy, wealth, capital and power from the workers/laborers and transferring it into the hands of the counter-producing Right Wing Socialists. The Right Wing Socialists are the Capital Destroying Capitalists and Fascists.
There is an article following this article that will cover more on the subject of Right Wing Socialism
The Capital Destroying Capitalist and the Capital Destroying Socialist took advantage of this unknown information as to the source of money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power. They said they create money out of thin air and claimed the money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power as their own.
Money is a symbol. This symbol represents value, energy, wealth, capital and power. The value, energy, wealth, capital and power, represented by the money symbol, are created by the workers/ laborers through work and labor. The workers/laborers create commodities, trades, goods and services which are marketed on an Open Market (open to all on equal terms.) The commodities, trades, goods and services are exchanged for the money symbol. The money symbol gives the measure of value for each commodity, trade, good and service marketed. All commodities, trades, goods and services compete with each other on the Open Market. The purchasers of the commodities, trades, goods and services assign the value to each of these items. The money symbol represents the measure of the value. This is how Producers receive the correct exchange for their commodity, trade, good or service.
I have differentiated the Axioms of Economics from the confusion of past economics. These axioms are the basics of Producer Rewarded Open Market Economics. They define how money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power are created and come into existence.
Money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power are brought into existence by Producers. Producers use work and labor to create all the money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power that exists on the planet. Since the Producers have created all the money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power, they own it all. They own what they have created. The Capital Destroying Capitalists which includes the Right Wing Capitalists, who really are Right Wing Socialists, and Fascists have no right to any money, value, energy, wealth, capital or power unless they themselves have created it. The same goes for the Communist who is the Capital Destroying Socialist.
All other forms of economic systems consume or destroy money, value, energy, wealth, capital, power and prosperity. Right Wing Capitalism, which is Right Wing Socialism, and Fascism destroy money, value, energy, wealth, capital, power and prosperity. Communist Socialism also destroys money, value, energy, wealth, capital, power and prosperity.
Thrust for prosperity
Right Wing Capitalisms’ (Socialisms’) or Fascisms’ purpose is the thrust for prosperity for Self. These Capitalists believe the vast majority, if not all, the money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power belongs to a few wealthy and powerful individuals. They believe the few wealthy and powerful individuals are king. Right Wing Capitalism (Socialism) or Fascism attempts to exclude all other prosperity thrusts. The other prosperity thrusts are prosperity for Producers, individuals, families, organizations, societies, nations, mankind and environments.
The Right Wing Capitalists (Socialists) or Fascists operate against their own other prosperity thrusts. These excluded thrusts are the thrusts for prosperity in their organizations, societies, nations, mankind and environments. Right Wing Capitalists (Socialists) or Fascists have an internal conflict between their Self thrusts and their excluded thrusts for having prosperous Families, Organizations, Societies, Nations, Mankind and Environments. This is why Right Wing Capitalism (Socialism) or Fascism fails. This is why Right Wing Capitalism (Socialism) results in recessions, depressions and wars. Right Wing Capitalists (Socialists) or Fascists are in reality fighting against their own thrusts for prosperity. In order to truly prosper economically, one must include all five prosperity thrusts (Self, Family, Organization, Mankind and Environments) in one’s production equation.
Control of Governments
This can be proven out over the past 100 years in the United States. During this time when the Right Wing Capitalists (Socialists) have taken control of government power they have turned economic systems into recessions and a great depression. Their game has been to redistribute the money, value, energy, wealth, capital, power and prosperity away from the Producers and placing it into the hands of a few rich and powerful counter-producing individuals.
They have redistributed money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power by taking control of governments and government financial programs. They use government programs to redistribute money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power from the working and laboring Producers who create it. They place it into the hands of the rich and powerful Right Wing Socialists by using government finance programs which are directed and controlled by governments. This is Socialism. The Right Wing Capitalists really are Right Wing Socialists.
Right Wing Capitalism destroys money value, energy, wealth, capital and power. Right Wing Capitalism is really a form of destructive Socialism. Even though they rant and rave against Socialism, they are a prime example of destructive Socialism. The only form of Socialism that comes close to Right Wing Socialism in destructivity is Communism. Communism and Right Wing Socialism are very destructive economic systems. They both take money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power away from the Producers (Laborers/ Workers.) They redistribute this money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power into the hands of the few rich and powerful counter-producers who control Communism and Right Wing Socialism.
Capital Producing Capitalism and Capital Producing Socialism are the solution to the above two counter-producer rewarding systems. Capital Producing Capitalism and Capital Producing Socialism reward the Producers (creators) of all the money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power. This leads to prosperity for all Producers, families, organizations, societies, nations, mankind and environments. Capital Producing Capitalism and Capital Producing Socialism are included in the Producer Rewarded Open Market Economic System.