Producer Rewarded Open Market Economics is the Economic System that rewards the Producers. The Producers are the individuals who create all the money, value, energy, wealth, capital, power and prosperity that exists on this Planet.
Producer Rewarded Open Market Economics is the Economic System where the Market is open to all Producers on equal terms. Only Producers are allowed to participate in the Open Market.
Non-producers and counter-producers are on the outside of all Markets. When they attempt to participate in any Market they destroy the Market and the Economic System. They are on the outside of all Markets by their choice. Only individuals who bring self-created commodities, trades, goods and services to a Market can really participate in that Market. They are the energy thrust in the Market. They are the propulsion that makes Markets operate. All Markets are driven by Producer Propulsion.
Producers bring energy into Markets. They bring life into Markets. They bring energy into Markets by exchanging the correct amount of commodities, trades, goods and service on the Market for the Money, value, energy, wealth, capital, power and prosperity they receive.
Non-producers and counter-producers drain or steal energy from Markets. They bring death to Markets. They destroy Producer Propulsion in Markets. When you find Markets collapsing you will find non-producers and counter-producers taking money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power away from the Market. They take it without exchanging the correct amount of commodities, trades, goods or services for it.
Producer Rewarded Open Market Economics is the Economic System where the Money Supply is held constant. A Constant Money Supply standardizes an Economic System. This gives stability and confidence to the Producers. Expanding a money supply is another way for non-producers and counter-producers to steal money, value, energy, wealth, capital, power and prosperity without exchanging commodities, trades, goods or services for it.
Distributing the money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power to producing individuals, based on production, in an organization and in a society leads to very prosperous individuals, organizations, societies and nations. This principle is found in the Capital Producing System of Capitalism. This principle is also found in the Capital Producing System of Socialism. Capital Producing Capitalism and Capital Producing Socialism are Producer Rewarded Open Market Economics systems. In both systems: The Producers receive all the money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power they have created.
Distributing the money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power to the Producers gives incentive to Producers to create more pro-prosperity commodities, trades, goods and services. This system gives disincentive for non-producers to not produce.
This system gets the non-producers out of the static state of non-production and into the action state of production. It also gives disincentive for counter-producers to create counter-production creations. This system gets the counter-producers out of the counter-producer state of counter-production and into the action state of production. It gives counter-producers and non-producers incentive to become part of the Producing group of individuals.
The producing group of individuals is the individuals who create all the money, value, energy, wealth, capital, power and prosperity. Distributing money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power to the Producers gives the non-producers and the counter-producers an incentive to become Producers. This system of economics that rewards production is Producer Rewarded Open Market Economics.