Revised November 21, 2013
The Market is either based on barter or it is based on an exchange symbol. Today money is being used as the exchange symbol. Money is being used as the medium of exchange.
In the barter system, which is basic marketing, production is exchanged directly. It is exchanging production for production. The value of the exchanged commodities, trades, goods and services is established and defined in terms of products. An example would be 30 dozen eggs equals one coat, or one coat equals 30 dozen eggs. One gallon of milk could be defined in terms of having the value of 2 dozen eggs. Or it could be said that one television would have the value of 400 dozen eggs. We could define the value of all production in terms of eggs or milk or a standard television. Instead, we use the money symbol. The money symbol injected into the system acts as a medium. Money is a medium for value and energy transmission. All value of products and services is measured in money units.
In the Money Symbol Open Market System, the value of the exchanged produced commodities, trades, goods and services is established and defined in money units. The money units become packets of value. You can carry them in your pockets, wallet, or purses. You use these packets of value when purchasing commodities, trades, goods and services for your use and consumption. This is how paper and coin, called money, acquires its value.
In the Money Symbol Open Market System; the energy, generated by the Producer and used to create commodities, trades, goods and services is transferred into money units when exchanging commodities, trades, goods and services for the money units. Money units become packets of energy you carry on your person. These packets of energy are used to purchase commodities, trades, goods and services for your use and consumption. Money becomes packets of energy that is moved around and used to create more production
You can look at money units as packets of value and as packets of energy. You can look at money units as both value and energy packets. Money is a symbol that represents value of commodities, trades, goods and services and a symbol that represents energy that was created by the producer and used to create the commodities, trades, goods and services. Value, defined in money units, tells you how much your production is worth. Energy, defined in money units, gives us a measure of the energy created by the producer which was used to create the commodities, trades, goods or services.
Energy created by producers and transferred into production gives us the link of ownership between the producers and the production. This energy transferred into money units as it is exchanged on the Open Market links the producer to the ownership of the money units. The producer created the production with his energy and now owns the money units that are exchanged for it on the Open Market.