Revised November 2, 2013
Part II
Getting back to the attention vacuum left behind, the Producers generate energy to be used in their production. It is important to secure their attention vacuum. This attention vacuum leaves an opening for the non-producer and counter-producer to move in and steal the money, value, energy; wealth, capital and power the Producers create. Non-producers and counter-producers have lost their ability to produce energy that can be used in the production of commodities, trades, goods and services. When they get into this vacuum they can piggyback off the Producer and steal the produced energy, money, value, wealth, capital and power the Producers have created. They invest this stolen money-energy to take over control of political systems.
The Producers have their attention focused on the action of production. Their attention is placed into the future. They have left their attention vacuum unsecured. Producers are honest and trusting individuals. They believe everyone is honest and trusting. This is where they get into trouble with the non-producers and counter-producers. They have left in their attention-vacuum an opening for the non-producer and counter-producer. These non-producers and counter-producers occupy the vacuum left behind by the Producer. The non-producer and counter-producers will tell any type of lie or create deception (smoke and mirrors) to convince the Producer the non-producer and counter-producer is honest and trusting. Usually the Producer discovers the non-producer and counter-producer very late. This is when the economic system starts to recede. Even then the non-producers and counter-producers flash their deceptive smoke and mirrors. They select the Producers as the reason why the system failed. The non-producers and counter-producers will attempt to pin the economic failure on the Producers.
A major part of what has filled the vacuum is the rewarded non-producer/counter-producer political system. They use this political system to control the Producer Society. The Producers have made a major omission. They have failed to secure their attention-vacuum. The Producers can secure their attention-vacuum by taking full responsibility for ALL the money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power they have created. They can secure themselves by knowing and applying the Producer Rewarded Open Market Economics technology along with the Technology of Democracy. With their attention-vacuum left unsecured, Producers have, many times in the past, been made into SLAVES.
Many people today have a very high dislike for government and politics. This is because the political system to a large part is a system owned and operated by the non-producer/counter-producer for the gain of the non-produce/counter-producer on the backs of the Producer. It should be stated more correctly; the political system, today, is a system owned and operated to a large part by the non-producer/counter-producer, for the destruction of the non-producer/counter-producer and the Producer. This is why people dislike the government and politics today. They don’t like to be lead down the non-producer/counter-producer path of destruction.
The following Axiom has been noted in the past: any time non-production is rewarded a society tends toward recessions and depressions. The corollary would be: any time production is rewarded a society tends toward prosperity.
It is very important to remember that the prosperity of every person on the planet is tied to all other individuals on the planet. We are all tied together economically. The Market and the trading of commodities, trades, goods and services on the Market is what tie us together. Anytime anyone on the planet places a demand for commodities, trades, goods and services on the Market it affects the value of all other commodities, trades, goods and services. It also affects the value of all money throughout the world. Anytime anyone on the planet places newly created commodities, trades, goods and services on the Market it affects the value of all other commodities, trades, goods and service and the value of money. Anytime money is taken without an exchange of production for it, this out-exchange action decreases money value and increases product value. The Producer loses purchasing power. The non-producer/counter-producer has stolen the Producers’ purchasing power. We are all connected economically whether we want to be connected or we don’t want to be connected.
If we, all on our own accord, follow the natural laws of economics and politics we will all prosper abundantly. When we allow non-producers and counter-producers into the economics system and into the political system, we will all tend downward toward economic collapses.
Anytime an Economic system is tending downward you can bet there are non-producers and counter-producers in the political power mix. Anytime a political system is frustrated and upset you can bet there are non-producers and counter-producers in power stealing money, value, energy, wealth, capital and power from the Producers.
Producers are good and trusting individuals. It is unreal to the Producer that anyone would carryout the destructive activities non-producers and counter-producers are capable of carrying out. During a recession or a depression, when the Producer finally discovers the destructive activities of the non-producer and counter-producer he/she has a deep economic hole out of which to crawl. First, the Producers have to find the correct cause of the economic recession. This is tough because the non-producers and counter-producers works 24/7 discrediting everything the Producers find as the cause of the economic problem. When the correct reason for the economic recession is found and enough Producers are convinced of it, they have a whole non-producer/counter-producer operated political system to overcome and correct. When they have overcome and corrected this non-producer/counter-producer political system, the Producers can expand the economic system towards prosperity again. They can expand the economic system by applying the Technology of Democracy and Producer Rewarded Open Market Economics a Capital Producing System.
Producer Rewarded Open Market Economics
The Science of Economics
By: R P Obrigewitsch
February 22, 2012
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